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It's the day the AFT 2021 season kicks off and Jeffrey Carver, one of the biggest and most popular characters in the sport, is nowhere to be seen. We caught up with him for this exclusive interview where he discusses 2020, the SuperTwins class and where he's heading. Copyright: Sideburn magazine. GI

SB: In 2020, you had a couple of podiums and a win, did you achieve what you wanted in terms of results? If not, why not?

JC: I was really happy with my team this past year. I believe they were the most equipped motorcycles to win on big tracks against Tolbert’s powerhouse. Adversity was huge, 14th one night and 2nd the next.

The competition right now at the top is thick to say the least, five winners [in 2020], others with potential. It was mentally taxing this past year having to be my own team director of an AFT SuperTwins team. Being able to conduct a plan that consisted of a collaboration of title support from Happy Trails Racing, DPC Racing, and Bryan Bigelow Racing, along with a huge support from the GoFundMe from the “People” - we are Happy Trails Racing.

It was amazing to win my fourth national at the legendary Charlotte Half-Mile, as the 'privateer racer' - the people's choice - I wanted that win so bad. To beat the elite, the ELITE, you have to dig deep. It's a mindset, and I manifested exactly what I wanted my next win to be.

I know you've been considering the risk versus reward of AFT, especially since the injuries of your good friends at the end of 2019. Where do you stand on that now?

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Privateer spotlight; RACER X INTERVIEW